The calendar days

The calendar daysThe calendar days
  1. And regardless of the calendar days of2011 , what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year !


  2. The calendar of days humans attune unto today is really an Anu Slave Civilization phenomenon and therefore inaccurate in terms of the cycles that Terra ( earth ) experiences .


  3. What is the duration ( calendar days ) and scope ( number of tests ) in a typical test cycle ?


  4. Portal days ( p ), on the calendar provided marks days using mathematics of 28 and their fore have a connection with the moon cycles .


  5. Years are calculated using the Chinese calendar , while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar .


  6. The Julian calendar was almost perfect , but it miscalculated the solar year by 11 minutes . These few minutes ultimately threw the calendar off by several days .
